Harriton Crew
The Harriton Crew team is a great group to join. A competitive team, that enjoys the sport and have a lot of fun hanging out together.
You probably have a couple of questions before you sign up below.
We have two seasons: Spring and Fall. Spring season is open to all Harriton High School students. You do not need any experience to sign up! When you first join us, you do need to pass a swimming test so we know you're safe on and in the water. Fall season is open to 10th thru 12th grade returning rowers, or incoming 9th grade rowers that have followed an accredited learn-to-row program. Please contact the head coach to find out if you qualify.
Practices take place after school and sometimes on Saturday morning. More info
Regattas mostly take place on Sundays, sometimes on Saturday. More info
Crew members are students first, athletes second. This means that school attendance is required any day you attend practice. Also, if your academic work falls behind, you will run the risk of becoming ineligible to take part in a race or the crew program. So keep up the grades!
If you decide to sign up and join, we do need you to complete some forms. Please bring all completed PDF forms below with you to the first practice, EXCEPT FOR THE PIAA FORM, that form needs to be sent to the Athletics Director at Harriton High School BEFORE the first practice and is now done on line.
All students on free or reduced lunch should contact the Treasurer for a confidential conversation.
There are three ways to pay the crew dues:
1. With via VENMO using @HarritonCrew. Contact the Treasurer for more information.
2. Write a check made out to "Friends of Harriton Crew") and bring it to the first practice:
FHC Treasurer
(Please include a note with the student-athlete’s grade, first and last name)
3. A payment plan is available which allows for payment in two installments. Please contact our treasurer for more info.
Contact Info